Saturday, October 8, 2022

Kau System (test)

Kau (K-Type Star)

1d4 & 1d6: 1 = Terrestrial Planet w/ Ring or Moon
1d10 A(steroid Belt): 5
1d8 (Large Terrestrial Planet): 8
1d12 (Ice Giant): 12
1d20 (Gas Giant: 16

Kau 1: using rules as previously established: mini-Ice Giant; dense nitrogen oxygen; "Floating Plateau". A few things here need to be addressed. There's a type of exo-planet referred to as a "Hot Neptune". It's theorized that if a Hot Neptune forms in the outer regions of the star system, it would probably chemically resemble Neptune, containing volatiles and amorphous ices. But if formed near the star, its probably made up of more terrestrial stuff, like rock and metal. Plus, I rolled a breathable atmosphere, which might be unlikely but not impossible. 

But I'm also not sure about the way I have the tie-breaking mechanism set up. If I think about how the Moon formed, it was likely from the impact of a smaller planet smacking into the primordial Earth and basically forming very quickly resulting in the Earth-Moon system we all know and love. So replacing a Medium Terrestrial planet with an Asteroid Belt really doesn't ring true to me.

So, I'm going to treat this as though it were still a Medium Terrestrial planet at which point, keeping the rolls the same, we get an Ocean World with a standard nitrogen oxygen atmosphere with a "Floating Plateau". This sounds a little more interesting to me, so I think I may amend the ore-existing rules.

Kau 2: Asteroid Belt with 2 rocky planetoids.

Kau 3: Super Ice Giant; Nitrogen Oxygen (this just can't be right, I need to expand the possible IC Giant atmosphere lists to include hydrogen-helium); "Changeless Sea"; 9 moons

Kau 4: Super Gas Giant; hydrogen-helium; "Blistering Volcano"; 14 moons

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