Friday, October 7, 2022

One-Roll Planet Attributes

It's pretty important to me that the final PDF version of the P&P system has as little flipping back and forth as possible, so I wanted to make sure I got as much of this process on a two-page spread as I could. As such, I decided not to write a draft in a separate word processor, as I have with other parts of P&P. Instead, I developed it right in Affinity Publisher to try to make it all fit. 

I'm not going to be able to fit the d100 Extra Flavor table on these pages, but everything else got squeezed in. Rather than try to transpose it all into Blogger form, I'm just going to post a screen shot of the rules:

The d100 Extra Flavor table isn't close enough to "being there" to be worth posting about yet. In the mean time, I want to test the core system out a few times to see if it generates really boring systems over and over.

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